Hi. So, I haven't been writing much recently, much less posting here. But I guess that doesn't really matter because nobody actually reads this. Lol. Today I would like to tell about one of my expiriences in making the world a better place- through small steps. You see, kids, as I've said before on another post, if you can't do big things, just do a million little things. Please excuse my language. Selepas dari un 2018, "event" akademis terakhir di masa smp, gue menemukan ada banyak banget kertas bekas coret-coretan, tugas, ataupun hal-hal lain yang kurang berguna kalo gue simpan. Perlu diketahui juga, gue adalah orang yang sangat sayang (read: pelit) kertas. Contohnya, gue berusaha kotak-kotakin coretan gue sekecil mungkin biar semua muat dalam satu kertas. Alhasil dari kepelitan itu juga, kertas-kertas bekas tiga tahun gue smp masih tersimpan berantakan. Gue selalu mikir kertas itu masih bisa digunakan, entah untuk apa. I guess it's because when ...